Offshore Wind Market Update USA with Toussaint Williams



Venue: Zoom
Key Topic: Market Update USA
Attendant: Toussaint Williams

About the event series

In our GOI Offshore Wind Market Updates, our foreign representatives report on the latest developments in the offshore wind industry in Japan, Taiwan and the USA. The Offshore Wind Market Updates each last 60 minutes and are held in English. After the presentations, those interested have the time and opportunity to discuss individual concerns or questions with the country representatives.

The market updates take place on a monthly basis, with each country being represented every three months. The exact dates can be found on our website, on LinkedIn and in our newsletter .

Participation is free and takes place online via Zoom. Please use this registration form to register . The participants will receive the access data one day before the event. Lecture language is English.


Offshore Wind Market Update USA









Topic: Offshore Wind Market Update with Toussaint Williams

When: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 | 2-3 p.m. (CET)

Where: Online, via Zoom

Registration: Please use this registration form to register.